As you can see, some of the philosophers, especially those who introduced revolutionary thought or theory are represented in teeth. The location of the teeth and closeness to others reflects corresponding theories or ideas. For example, Sidney compliments Aristotle's belief in the value of poetry. Aristotle addressing Plato's concerns with language echo Sidney's writing. The correlation between tooth to philosopher/theorist also suggests his or her (who are we kidding, his) importance to thought. Plato is a Central Incisor because he bites and begins the dialogue of thought. Obviously, my personal choice reveals where I place my toothy theorists, however, the merits of such thinkers as Saussure introduce causal thought in his signified/signifier. Although, with revolutionary thought comes the need to refine and evaluate, such as the case for Kant (who critiques and analyzes aesthetic theory), and Horkheimer and Adorno who stress the application of Marxist theory.
The Food Hole:
Due to my lack of interest in Romantic/Transcendentalist theory, I place these indulgent men in the back of the mouth. Yeah... I mean they deserve a spot in the mouth, however, I find their boring ideas and lack-luster poetry to be associated with food and swallowing. (As in forcing myself to swallow.)
The Tongue:
Sure, Hume is all about taste, however, the tongue is also a very sexy muscle. So sexy only Freud can own it. Although we did not read much about his sexual stages, he is the only theorist to suggest an oral stage is innate in human development. Psych 101, you treat me.
The Lips and Jaw:
the lips are distinctly aesthetic and typically feminine. Therefore, I associate Hume along with our female thinkers in the lips. Especially Wollstonecraft, she's all about feminism through rhetoric. Nietzsche deserves the jaw. Not because I find him to be foundation, rather, because he loves to yap his jaw and offend the masses. Correction: herd.
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