A word of explanation: I chose to do each of the theorists as an lolcat. The explanations beside each picture is written in lolspeak because A. If you're gonna start an idea stick to it? B. Funnier. C. Words are arbitrary. D. It creates a more complete image of the ideology. E. I've bought into the ideology the internet forced on me. F. I've joined the herd. Hopefully they are still readable, though. Basically what I did was look for one or two main ideas of the theorist in question in an lolcat portrait. Some were easy (Freud, Nietzsche, de Saussure), others took some... creativity. Anyway, it's meant to be funny; enjoy.

Plato: Hoo iz needen reel bike when can haz BIKE OF FORMS?

Aristotle: Dey iz 2 b bein importent to teh content.

Augustine: It iz 2 b bein importent 2 teh meenin.

Maimonides: TEH LITENIN!

de Pizan: dont b hatin; u no i iz got teh smartz. u iz hurten mai gurl feelens.

Sydney: POETRI!!!!!1!!11

Hume: it are makin tem balanzed on accont uv de bak and forf.

Kant: it are on accont uv teh noomenal iz 2 b bein obskurd!

Wollstonecraft: ejukatin' teh opprezed houzwivs.

Wordsworth: deer apathy cat: stop teh apathy. only degrade wif spontaeneeus ovrfloez uv emoshuns. kthxbai.

Emerson: me n all teh otha poetz.

Marx/Engels: 4 comodifukashun purpuzez.

Horkheimer/Adorno: in internet piktur capshun define U.

Althusser: it iz in mai ideelogee.

de Saussure: Y u so arbitrary? :(

Lacan: evruthin invisibul becuz it DO NOT EXIST.
If this was Facebook I would "like" this entry. Your cats made smile.
ReplyDeleteI love this post, and not just because I'm a LOLcat officianado. Suddenly, these theorists have become twice as entertaining. You did really well in involving not just distinctive features of the theorist, but also features of their theories themselves (Yes, Nietzsche has a giant mustache, but the herd was also a huge part of his theory, and Sydney...well, he really LOVED poetry...).
ReplyDeleteIt might have been fun to add some sort of comparison in the form of an epic LOLtheorist battle, but the originality/creativeness of this idea was a definite plus.
In conclusion: Awesomeness.